International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene: Proceedings Book of the SHO2022


Pedro Arezes, Universidade do Minho; João Baptista, Universidade do Porto; Rui Melo, Universidade de Lisboa; Mónica Barroso, Universidade do Minho; Jacqueline Castelo Branco, Universidade do Porto; Paula Carneiro, Universidade do Minho; Ana Colim, Universidade do Minho; Nélson Costa, Universidade do Minho; Susana Costa, Universidade do Minho; Joana Duarte; Joana Guedes; Gonçalo Perestrelo, Universidade do Porto


Safety, Hygiene, Industrial, Ergonomics, Occupational


The 2022 edition covers the traditional themes of Safety, Prevention Management, Chemical and Biological Hazards, Ergonomics, and the Occupational Environment. In addition to these themes, the emerging areas associated with the 4 th Industrial Revolution, Collaborative Robotics, IoT and the new challenges they imply, are all addressed in the plenary and thematic sessions.

Book Cover



7 September 2022


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