4th Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health Proceedings Book
The 4th Occupational Safety and Health Proceedings Book is a collection of the most recent works in the field of occupational safety and health. The included works are focused on the specific topics: occupational health, ergonomics, occupational safety and hygiene, occupational psychosociology. The short papers included in this publication are a selection of contributions to the 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE21). All the included works were revised by at least 2 of the 25 members of the international scientific committee.
Use of drone (UAV) as a tool for work safety inspection for roofing activities in civil construction: a systematic review
Noise promotes disengagement in dementia patients during non-invasive neurorehabilitation treatment
Short review on occupational noise exposure in the extractive industry and similar works
Firefighters occupational exposure assessment: a systematic literature review
Assessment of Potential Health Risks of Portuguese Wildland Firefighters’ Occupational Exposure: Biomonitoring Approach
The comfort parameters in indoor air of sports facilities with different ventilation regimes
A framework to implement Occupational health and safety innovation
Fatigue detection through physiological assessment during real-life occupational situations: Preliminary results
Work-related musculoskeletal disorder and its costs: a short review
The occurrence of accidents and injury in mining shift worker influenced by food intake, a short review
Dor lombar na operação em equipamentos pesados de carga e transporte, nas indústrias de mineração a céu-aberto e de construçãoBreve revisão
Acidentes ocupacionais em operações com equipamentos pesados de carga e transporte, nas indústrias de extração a céu aberto e de construçãoBreve revisão
Aspectos ergonômicos da adaptação de estudantes de engenharia ao regime remoto de ensino na pandemia de Covid-19
Análise das condições ergonômicas na atividade de execução de alvenaria utilizando o método RULA


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