16th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering (DSIE'21): Proceedings
DSIE - Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering, now in its 16th Edition, is a series of meetings that started in the first edition of ProDEI, in the scholar year 2005/06; its main goal has always been to provide a forum for discussion on, and demonstration of, the practical application of a variety of scientific and technological research issues, particularly in the context of information technology, computer science, and computer engineering. DSIE Symposium comes out as a natural conclusion of a mandatory ProDEI course called "Methodologies for Scientific Research" (MSR), leading to a formal assessment of the PhD students' first year’s learned competencies on those methodologies. The MSR course aims at giving students the opportunity to learn the processes, methodologies and best practices related to scientific research, particularly in the referred areas, as well as to improve their own capability to produce adequate scientific texts. With a mixed-format based on a few theory lessons (about a scientific approach to knowledge), practical works (analyzing and discussing published papers), together with multidisciplinary seminars, the course culminates with the realization of this meeting/symposium. In this scope, students are expected to simultaneously play different roles, such as authors of the submitted articles, members of both organization and scientific committees, and reviewers, duly guided by senior lecturers and professors.


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