4th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering (DSIE'09) : Proceedings
DSIE'09 - Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering 2009, follows the three previous editions of similar events and aims to be a forum for the discussion and application of good practices of scientific research, namely in what Computer Science and Informatics Engineering is concerned. DSIE’09 is organized in the context of the Doctoral Program on Informatics Engineering (ProDEI) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. DSIE’09 implicitly displays what the PhD students have learnt at an early stage, during their first semester course on Scientific Research Methodologies (MIC), including appropriate methods to deal with their own research, as well as students’ capabilities to produce well written scientific texts. This symposium is also a good opportunity for students to be jointly involved in all the aspects of a scientific meeting organization and participation, although lightly supervised by the course’s responsible professors. This DSIE’09 Proceedings volume includes twenty three papers that have been revised and selected according to guidelines informed by the aforementioned principles and are assembled according to the different research topics that will be presented in eight different technical sessions: Robotics (4 papers), Computing Architectures (3 papers), Programming Modeling (2 papers), Specification and Testing (2 papers) Information Extraction and Processing (3 papers), Networks and Multimedia (3 papers), Pedagogical and Competence Issues Management (2 papers), Miscellaneous theories and applications (3 papers). On the top of those sessions, distributed among a two-day duration time, DSIE'09 also includes
two invited talks.


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