11th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering (DSIE'16)


Eugénio Oliveira (coord.)
Universidade do Porto
António Augusto Sousa (coord.)
Universidade do Porto
Aníbal Ferreira (coord.)
Universidade do Porto
Henrique Salgado (coord.)
Universidade do Porto


The 11th Edition of DSIE - Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering, an event usually organized by PhD students of the FEUP Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering (ProDEI) includes, in the current edition, PhD students of MAP-tele, the Doctoral Program in Telecommunications at the Universities
of Minho, Aveiro and Porto. DSIE meetings have been held since the scholar year 2005/06 and the main goal has always been to provide a forum for discussion on, and demonstration of, the practical application of a variety of scientic research issues, particularly in the context of information technology, computer science, computer engineering plus, in the current edition, telecommunications. DSIE symposium comes out as a natural conclusion of mandatory ProDEI course called "Methodologies for Scientic Research" (MSR) leading to a formal assessment of the students learned competencies.

Book Cover Image



3 fevereiro 2016


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